That scene in the car when he first picks her up - there is a moment when she just snaps her eyes open in a single frame and starts looking at him. Easily one of my favorite moments in noir.

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Mine too!!

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Vera is a piece of work that has to be seen to be believed. I urge anyone who hasn’t seen Detour to do so.

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She really is!

It's such a great movie. So underrated, though it has enjoyed a cult classic status for a few decades now.

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Every time i see a still from that film, i can hear her say, “Roberts!”

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Ulmer's filmography is extremely diverse and deep. Starting out in Germany at UFA and then coming to America making films which ranged from good-budgeted studio films to barely funded stuff like this one. I doubt his odyssey is matched by too many other directors.

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A very impressing career indeed.

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Love DETOUR and enjoyed your take on it.

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Thank you! :D

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Great post Carol. Your love of film noir and this film is definitely sensed in this post.

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Thank you! :D

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